New Moon 🌚✨ Time to Relieve Stress & Feel Free


Happy New Moon, beautiful Reader 🌚,


Hope the day is treating you well. I'm writing to you from my childhood home in Indiana. There has been some sad news in my family that my grandma passed away this morning and we're all heartbroken. πŸ’” I appreciate any well-wishes for us during this time.


If you have ever lost a loved one, you know the emotional pain, the grief, the heartbreak their absence can leave. It's awful. But... it is also necessary. It is necessary to feel these tough feelings. I truly believe when we suppress our feelings, they come back up 10x stronger later on. So, here's your reminder for today, don't suppress your feelings. Speak your truth. Tell your loved ones that you love them. We're never guaranteed another day.



Though I am a strong advocate for not trying to "fix" emotions when they arise... sometimes in the midst of grief, focusing can be very difficult. Concentrating on anything can feel like a task and a half. Maybe some guidance and held space for healing could be beneficial to you at this time?

If so, you might want to check out this post about the self-healing challenge.

Meant to help you connect with the universal life force energy for healing, I share the exact process I used after my first attunement to gain a deeper relationship with Spirit. By tapping into the force of energy that fuels all beings, we can learn to assist in the natural healing of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual realms of ourselves.



FREE Meditation

Finally, I would never let you leave without a free guided meditation. Learn to let go of stress at the energetic level and feel a sense of peace and ease throughout your days. This meditation includes life-affirming statements that can be called upon during stressful situations in your life. Instead of feeling guilty and worried, find yourself able to shift perspective and regain composure.


May you be well, Happy New Moon,



she/her Yoga and Meditation Teacher (E-RYT, YACEP, C-IAYT*)

IG: @moon.wandering​


*in training


​Psssttttt.... It's a New Moon, which means it's the perfect day to start Meditate with the Moon. This Insight Timer course is free to Insight Timer Plus members and walks you through a powerful manifestation ritual for each phase of the lunar cycle. Click the link to learn more.


I currently live, work, and play as a guest on the ancestral, traditional and stolen territories of the Cherokee, Mikasukee, and Yuchi native communities whose historical relationship with and connection to these lands continues to today. I strive to participate actively in decolonizing practices and am committed to sharing what I learn. If you want to know the native land that you are living on, use this link to find out. To listen and learn how to be a better ally, click here for the ARD Newsletter (Anti-Racism Daily).


If you have received this email, it is because you have opted in through one of my free or paid meditations, challenges, retreats, courses, or private sessions. You are welcome to unsubscribe at any time, no hard feelings. Though I will be sad to see you go, I applaud your effort to get that inbox down to zero. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Moon Wandering

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