New Moon🌚✨ Settling in, Meditation for Leo Szn, and Recommended Reading


Hi Reader, missed you!!


How is the season going for you? What's new for you? Today we're welcoming the new moon in Leo. Leo is a fiery sign that is not afraid to stand up and be seen. Leo season welcomes you stepping into the fullest expression of your truest self. Be fierce. 🦁 Think lion energy- you are so powerful!! Plus, I've got a meditation to support you in this Leo season... see below. πŸ‘‡


What else? Well...


Last I checked in, I was about to move to North Carolina... and now, here I am!!! If you haven't been following along on social, you can see the first glimpses of our property in this reel and by checking out the story highlight titled "nc 🏑" on my Instagram profile.


We also visited the most *adorable* flower farm just a few minutes from our house.



Needless to say, we're settling in well. Even our plants have been thriving in this new (warmer and more humid) climate... special shout out to all of you who asked about our plant babies! 🌱 πŸ’›


I've written exactly zero blog posts πŸ™ˆ since I started the adventure across the country, but I have been reading some really good books. Check these out if you haven't read them yet, I highly recommend all of them.


  • Signs by Laura Lynn Jackson
    • This book was suggested by a friend of mine after I told her my latest "sign" from my brother. I told her I had been seeing his name everywhere, "Jackson," and that I never realized how common it was until after he died. She said that she thought I would love this book Signs, but she couldn't remember the authors name... When I looked it up, I quickly realized that my brother also wanted me to read this book when I saw his name (!!!) on the cover in all caps. It has been a really therapeutic read for me regarding grief. If you've lost a close loved one, this book might inspire some hope.



  • Atlas of the Heart by Brene Brown
    • I'll admit that I love everything written by Brene Brown. This book, just released Nov 30, 2021, is super relevent, timely, and addresses some really important concepts. Brene is an expert and making the complicated simple. In Atlas of the Heart, she maps out complicated human emotions and gives you a roadmap for navigating complicated/mixed feelings. In a world that wants everything to be black and white, Brene is embracing the gray areas.. and helping others see how beautiful those shades of gray are. There is so much richness to be gained from dissecting our emotions and getting to the root of "why" we're feeling this type of way. Reading it has allowed me to have a greater capacity for compassion for others as well as self-compassion for myself. DO NOT MISS THIS ONE.



  • Conscious: A Brief Guide to the Fundamental Mystery of the Mind by Annaka Harris
    • Fan-tas-tic read. I'd give it ten stars if I could. I've never heard anyone articulate the slipperly concept of 'consciousness' so finely, precisely and in so few words. This book on audiobook is only 3 hours, so yeah, it is super short. But, packed into those brief pages is a totally perspective shifting and mind expanding read. Definitely give this one a chance. I'm planning to read it again on Kindle just so I can absorb the information a little better.


  • The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober by Catherine Gray
    • I really enjoyed this book. It helped me realize that I actually have great boundaries when it comes to alcohol. Even though I don't consider myself an 'alcoholic,' it never hurts to reexamine your relationship with toxic substances, right? This book was a green light to embracing the JOY in abstaining from alcohol, rather than the FOMO. There's no judgement in this text... Just honest perspective and some helpful perspective-shifting tips for those on a sobriety journey or for those just simply trying to cut back.



I've read (or started to read) some others, but I haven't gotten far enough to recommend them. Do you like reading lists?? Reply back and tell me what is next on yours... πŸ˜‰ πŸ“•


FREE Meditation

With the new moon in the sign of Leo, I felt it appropriate to share a new meditation for honoring the energy of our Solar Plexus Chakra. I hope you enjoy it. πŸ’› 🦁 free download >>> solar plexus affirmations meditation.mp3​

Wishing you well,



she/her Yoga and Meditation Teacher (E-RYT, YACEP, C-IAYT*)

IG: @moon.wandering​


*in training


​Psssttttt.... It's a New Moon, which means it's the perfect day to start Meditate with the Moon. This Insight Timer course is free to Insight Timer Plus members and walks you through a powerful manifestation ritual for each phase of the lunar cycle. Click the link to learn more.

I currently live, work, and play as a guest on the ancestral, traditional and stolen territories of the Cherokee, Mikasukee, and Yuchi native communities whose historical relationship with and connection to these lands continues to today. I strive to participate actively in decolonizing practices and am committed to sharing what I learn. If you want to know the native land that you are living on, use this link to find out. To listen and learn how to be a better ally, click here for the ARD Newsletter (Anti-Racism Daily).


If you have received this email, it is because you have opted in through one of my free or paid meditations, challenges, retreats, courses, or private sessions. You are welcome to unsubscribe at any time, no hard feelings. Though I will be sad to see you go, I applaud your effort to get that inbox down to zero. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Moon Wandering

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