New Moon🌚✨ Adventurous Moms, Root Chakra Basics & Stilling the Busy Mind


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Hey there you beautiful soul!


Happy New Moon in Taurus. I missed you at the last full moon. Did you notice?? πŸ‘€ This Aries season has been in high-gear. Here are a few things I've been up to:


1. House hunting... still, *sigh*

2. Starting a new business venture with my husband (more details on that to come...🀫)

3. Deepening yoga therapy knowledge (a whopping 5 full modules this month!!)

4. Turning a new leaf in my kids yoga business by hiring my first yoga teacher! (currently conducting interviews)

5. Continuing to write, edit, and show up for my Moon Wandering community... (see more on that below)


Whew, that's a lot, right? Yeaahhh.. so you can see why I missed the newsletter at the Aries full moon. Things were just feeling very... Aries. When you think of Aries, you think- fire, air, and explosive energy. That's exactly what's been going on, at least here in the northern hemisphere. It's one of those moments in time where everything seems like it's happening at once.


Spring is arriving, people are emerging from their cocoons with sales, deals, stories, and drama. But the turning of the New Moon marks the start of Taurus season. Oh, lovely Taurus season. What do we know about Taurus? Taurus is an earth sign, so it'll give us a chance to ground and recenter after the explosive, busy Aries season. Taurus loves routine, comfort and ease. So, let's feed ourselves our favorite foods, snuggle with your loved ones, and just.. take it easy.


With Mother’s Day around the corner, I thought it would be appropriate to create a gift guide for all our adventurous moms out there. I’m not a mom yet, but when I become one, my adventurous spirit will live on with me and through my child, too.

Moms who love to travel, hike, camp, and do other adventurous things will love these items. All moms are tough, determined, and full of grit, but they don’t always get the credit they deserve. Do you have an adventurous mom? (… Or, are you an adventurous mom yourself, maybe?) Getting a gift that captures her unique spirit can be a challenge, but I’m sure she’ll appreciate some of the thoughtful gifts on this list.​

adventurous mom gift ideas



Secondly, we have the Root Chakra Series going live on MW.


Nurturing your baseline energy center is a great way to invite a sense of calm, solid, security into your life at the beginning of Taurus season. I've just begun a new series of root chakra healing posts that walk you through everything you need to know to understand your root chakra, and how to heal it.

  1. ​Introduction: How to Heal the Root Chakra​
  2. ​Root Chakra Basics: How to Heal the Root Chakra​

As we go deeper into this month, more root chakra resources will be released on the blog and instagram. Keep an eye out for them... or don't because I'll give you a recap at the full moon. πŸ˜‰


FREE Meditation

Here is the latest release on Insight Timer - Stilling The Busy Mind And Finding Rest Within The True Self. I share this to assist you in slowing down at the end of Aries season and find a comfortable routine as you enter the earth-embodied Taurus season.

insight timer, 13 min meditation


This meditation is meant for stilling the busy mind and finding rest within the True self. Using the philosophy of the Five Koshas, we learn to first connect with our outer layers of being (physical body and breath body) and then we start to notice the thoughts that arise within the mind-emotion body. Beyond that, lies our wisdom-body and beyond that, a place of true peace and contentment. We use the yogic concept of the Koshas to help us get to that point of ultimate peace and contentment. Music by Music of Wisdom.


As always, thank you for being a part of my email community. I cherish your presence on this list, Reader.


May you be well. Wishing you infinite blessings and compassion,




she/her Yoga and Meditation Teacher (E-RYT, YACEP, C-IAYT*)

IG: @moon.wandering​


*in training


​Psssttttt.... It's a New Moon, which means it's the perfect day to start Meditate with the Moon. This Insight Timer course is free to Insight Timer Plus members and walks you through a powerful manifestation ritual for each phase of the lunar cycle. Click the link to learn more.

meditate with the moon

I currently live, work, and play as a guest on the ancestral, traditional and stolen territories of the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde whose historical relationship with and connection to these lands continues to today. I strive to participate actively in decolonizing practices and am committed to sharing what I learn. If you want to know the native land that you are living on, use this link to find out. To listen and learn how to be a better ally, click here for the ARD Newsletter (Anti-Racism Daily).


If you have received this email, it is because you have opted in through one of my free or paid meditations, challenges, retreats, courses, or private sessions. You are welcome to unsubscribe at any time, no hard feelings. Though I will be sad to see you go, I applaud your effort to get that inbox down to zero. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Moon Wandering

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